Winter Uniform
Navy jumper with embroidered badge
Grey trousers or navy skirt or pinafore
White shirt
Dark blue and gold striped tie
Grey sock or navy tights
Black shoes
Summer Uniform
White polo-shirt (plain or with embroidered badge)
Grey shorts or trousers
No tie required
Grey socks
Blue and white check dress
Navy cardigans with embroidered badge
White or navy socks
Navy or black shoes
Year 6 girls may wear plain/embroidered white polo shirt with navy skirt or trousers as an alternative to the dress
PE Kit from Year 1 upwards
Tracksuit bottoms in navy
Navy polo shirt with embroidered badge
Navy blue shorts
Indoor black pumps
PE bag
Laundry Marker Pen Black
St Werburgh's Polo Shirt White
St Werburgh's V-Neck Sweater Light Navy
St Werburgh's Cardigan Light Navy
St Werburgh's Fleece Navy
St Werburgh's Jacket Navy (Special Order - 3 Week Delivery)
St Werburgh's Softshell Navy (Special Order - 3 Week Delivery)
St Werburgh's Winter Parka Navy (Special Order - 3 Week Delivery)
Tie - Navy / Gold
Long Sleeve Shirt (Twin Pack) White
Short Sleeve Shirt (Twin Pack) White
Long Sleeve Blouse (Twin Pack) White
Short Sleeve Blouse (Twin Pack) White
Junior Slim Fit Trousers Grey
Elastic Back Pull Up Shorts Grey
Lynton Pinafore Dress Navy
Gingham Dress Sky
Summer Dress Blue / White
St Werburgh's Book Bag Navy
St Werburgh's Infant Backpack Navy
St Werburgh's Junior Backpack Navy
St Werburgh's PE Bag Navy
Water Bottle
St Werburgh's PE Polo Navy
St Werburgh's Zip Top Navy / White
Shorts Navy
Pro Track Pants Navy / Silver
Plimsolls Black
Winter Parka (No Logo) (Special Order - 3 Week Delivery)
Softshell Jacket (No Logo) (Special Order - 3 Week Delivery)